Dating applications & you : By Payal Bhagwani
One can handle many problems, boss, teachers, assignment, even
people too. But people are incompetent to face loneliness. This is proven
fact because of which dating app dating apps are huge hit today. It seems like
a magic wand for introverts, who are shy to gel up but want to gel up with

I totally agree it is fun to talk with a stranger who make you feel special, sometime who understands you better than anyone else ,someone who love the way you see the world and somewhat love you also, someone who listens all your bullshit things and even enjoy it and the best part is that this someone is the is yours opposite gender and hear you think that you are falling in love with him or her didn't realizing the fact that it may be fake or it can be real too but chances are less.
Chances are less because most of the people pretend fake personalities, sometimes it’s like on fraud online shopping with looks good on your mobile screens, but when you unpacked this beautifully packed product, and found it maddening.
You can’t expect loyalty from match. It’s easy to choose one from 2 or 3, but it’s difficult choose one from many. Same is this dating applications, too many options and can’t stick to one.
"है अपना दिल तो आवारा ना जाने किस पर आएगा ..."
"सावारी अपने सामान की खुद ज़िम्मेदार है।"
(You are responsible for your belongings.)
I am the one who still believes that pairs are made in heaven, may be your match is your real partner but it is possible too that your soulmate is in front of you and you are just busy in swiping.
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