Are you a good person ?

Many times we all have a thought that "I am a good person or not ?" As bifurcating it not a easy task, as our people always find us good, and people who doesn't like us are always hating us so how to find it ?? There is way to find is and that to look into yourself, analysis your own character but let me make little bit simple for you by sharing 5 qualities that clearly indicates that you are a good person no matter what world thinks for you. So, here we go.... 1. You are a happy Person - You know why kids are loved by all , because they dont know what sadness is. The very first quality is that you are a happy go person and person who is happy within themselves are the one who spread happiness in their environment and are anti negative people, everybody enjoys their company. What could be better than spreading happiness ?? 2. Gossips stay away - gossips creates misunderstanding, spread rumors & person with habit of gossip cant be good person. Because ...